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Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings are a snapshot in time. Whatever comes up is what you need to hear for the purposes of your growth. It may be confirmation of something you know deep down. Inspiration and hope comes from this type of reading. Holy Spirit, through my words, gives advice. Your job is to entertain it.

On occasion, past life issues may surface. This is a unique way to tie in a past-life experience to the present. We have patterns and circumstances that repeat until we grasp certain life lessons. I still gasp at how accurate and applicable this is for healing in this life.

As a medium, I can connect to your dearly departed. However, my tendency is to connect psychically to the areas of life that need addressing so you may clear your karma, learn, and vibrate at a higher frequency. If the connection to your deceased is important to you, please let me know at the beginning of the session.

Readings are beneficial for businesses too since they each carry their own energy. This is an option when considering adding a product line, hiring, or relocating just to name a few.

Working with me is for the person that wants to take ownership of the future direction of their life and sees the value in the investment. I do offer longer readings. Each reading is for an individual and is not to be split or shared. My readings go deep and are private. You are welcome to record or take notes but I do ask that you are transparent about it. Readings are never done for entertainment purposes.

Readings are available: