Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Options: In-Person or Zoom
Where: Rocky River, OH in a beautiful, state-of-the-art building
Cost: $66
Zoom recording will be provided to all
This class is for the person who is either working towards being preventative of encountering a future attachment or has had experience in dealing with attachments. By attachments, this means specifically a disembodied being. From Cindy’s experience as a retired exorcist, there are many types of disembodied beings but no disembodied being is ever in the interest of a human with a body. This puts the human in a terribly compromised position. There is no physical, mental, or emotional thriving for the human with a host when an attachment has surfaced. It doesn’t make someone special. It isn’t your animal guides trying to help you. It is pure impairment. How do they attach? They attach by sheer will. Cindy has seen this occur with something as innocent as walking through a Target. The disembodied being is attracted to the human, for whatever reason, and then everything changes for the human. Emotions that don’t belong to them take over. They become agitated, distracted, anxious, angry, or depressed. This is the “G” rated version. It can and does get much worse.
This class is NOT for someone with an attachment. Cindy will not be performing exorcisms nor does she practice this modality any more.
Why do you need a body and essence protector? Essentially, the disembodied being often looks for greener pastures. They may have a host whom they’ve tired of OR they are new to the possession racket. The beings crave having a human body. Sometimes it is out of sheer innocence where they either believe they can help the human or they simply like the human. For instance, a child ghost may want a child human for a friend so they literally jump in. However, sometimes it is for nefarious reasons. The disembodied being craves control and domination of the human. This is where it gets sticky and dangerous. Yes, Stranger Things is real. There are multidimensional beings. There are beings that have no definition. In fact, most of them are in the gray area. People often think of angels and demons, but that is super simplistic and almost never the case. If you have ever experienced anything like this, you’ll understand the deep desire to prevent a future attachment. This could be a life-altering moment for those of you who are at high risk.
What to expect?
To register, click the button below. Select Classes/Workshops, and choose your class, and In-Person or Zoom.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Use the code PROTECT10 to receive a 10% discount if it is booked by Sunday, March 9th at 11:59 PM.
Register Now
(previously taught as Empath 101, 201, and 301 in 2019)
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Options: In-Person or Zoom
Where: Rocky River, OH in a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility
Cost: $110
Zoom recording will be provided to all
We will cover:
Snacks, water, coffee and tea will be provided in this beautiful and serene facility with an opportunity to chat with like-minded students for in-person participation.
To register, click the button below. Select Classes/Workshops, and choose your class, and In-Person or Zoom.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Use the code EMPATH10 to receive a 10% discount if it is booked by Saturday, March 22nd at 11:59 PM.
Register Now